
Evaluate the intellectual property of a potential investment before you sign on the dotted line.

Investing in a company is an exciting opportunity – and a major decision. Before signing on the dotted line, you’ll want to be absolutely sure the business you’re backing is on a sure footing. And that includes intellectual property rights.

When you ask us to review the IP portfolio of a potential investment target, we’ll scrutinise every element – including the weak spots. We’ll also look into relevant third party rights, establishing that company’s freedom to operate within a certain market.

You’ll come away with thorough insights – plus reassurance that your investment has the necessary protection in place to maximise its commercial advantage.

Some of the ways we help investors and their portfolio businesses:

  • Complimentary consultations to understand your investment aims, and the technology and brands of your portfolio
  • Work with you to identify what IP the businesses you invest in have or may have in the future, and guide you through options (aligned with your commercial objectives) to protect these assets
  • Core IP protection tactics and strategies including freedom to operate searches, IP portfolio management and IP due diligence on potential investments
  • We are able to help you achieve protection for your brands, designs and patents in the UK, Europe and globally

We support a range of angel investors, venture capital and private equity businesses to help identify and protect the IP in their portfolios. Our experienced team also work directly with portfolio companies to ensure they are aware of the need and considerations of protecting intellectual property.

Abel + Imray are members of the UK Business Angels Association (UKBAA) and we regularly hold meet ups for investors and innovators to network and develop relationships. 

Please visit our event page to see forthcoming meet ups.